Monday, August 27, 2012

Malang Tourism Information

Malang tourism travel guide and tourist information popular destination

Balekambang Beach.

The beach possessing three islands with distance of about one hundred meters each, two of which have been connected with one meter-wide bridge to the shore, Balekambang offers a different atmosphere of beach resorts in the Southern part of Malang. One of the three islands called Ismoyo island has a Hindu temple, established by local Hinduists. Annually, the ritual and traditional ceremonies Jalanidhipuja (Hindu ceremony) and Suran (Javanese New Year ceremony) are held here every year. The parking area, stalls, inns, souvenir shops, and the others tourism facilities has provided for the visitors. This beautiful beach is located at Srigonco village, Bantur district, about 57 km away to the south from Malang. While enjoy the beach you may also wonderfull waves with softe sea wind, watch the sunset and sunrise in this beach and do some of beach activities, such as; swimming, sun bathing, fishing, etc.

Coban Pelangi Waterfall.

Coban Pelangi is a beautiful waterfall, which located about 32 km away to the East Malang. It has natural, cool, and clean water that gives a peaceful impression. This waterfall can be reached on the way to Mount Bromo via Malang city.

Find a lovely mountain resort, beautiful panorama, impressive view of apple fruits and 5 vegetables. The Water fall site is in the village named Gubuk Klakah, the one belonging to Poncokusumo district.

Coban Rondo Waterfall.

Coban Rondo waterfall is a beautiful water fall on the slope of Mount Panderman resort that its about 32 km to the west from Malang, it is very interesting to see and visit. The height of waterfall is about 60 meter, visitor can find and enjoy beautiful panorama ore peaceful impression around the waterfall.
The are some facilities on this area : camping ground, jogging track, fishing or playing with elephants from The Elephants' School Waykambas Lampung - Sumatra.

Jago Temple.

Jajaghu or Jago temple was constructed in 1275 - 1300 AD. It believed as the burial place of King Wisnuwardhana ashes, the fourth king of Singosari kingdom. It is extremely interesting that the temple has ornament similarities to those of Penataran temple in Blitar Regency. It lies at Jago village, Tumpang District, the eastern part of Malang in distance about 22 km.

Kidal Temple.

Kidal temple is located in Rejo Kidal village, Tumpang district, about 24 km away to the East from Malang city. The Real height of the temple is 17 meters, but now it's just 12,4 meters. Kidal temple is one of Malang's historical temple that save history value.

The temple base has a shape square. The door is one in west side. Above the door of the temple, there are "Kepala Kala" (Head of Giants) and lions. The temple was decorated using ornaments, which depict Mahabharata story not in sequence.

Bromo - Tengger - Semeru National Park.

Mount Bromo in Indonesia call it Gunung Bromo is a popular tourist destination in East Java. Mount Bromo is the only active crater in a caldera which contains seven eruptive centres. The volcano is noted for its spectacular sunrises, and majestic views across to Semeru volcano in the south.
Mount Bromo (reach a height of 2,392 m from sea level) is an active volcano and part of the Bromo – Tengger – Semeru National Park. Mount Bromo isn't the highest mountain in Java Island that honor goes to nearby Mount Semeru at 3,676 m from sea level, but it's probably the most famous one. Bromo is in fact only one of many peaks inside the massive Tengger Caldera, but it's easily recognized as the entire top has been blown off and the crater inside constantly belches white sulphurous smoke. The inside of the caldera, apply dubbed the Sea of Sand is coated with fine volcanic sand and the overall effect is unsettlingly unearthly, especially when compared to the lush green valleys all around the caldera. When timing any activities in the area, bear in mind that sunset is soon after 5 PM and sunrise is correspondingly early at around 5:30 AM. This means you'll usually need to get up by 3:30 AM or so to get there in time for dawn.
There are paople that live around National Park call it Tenggerese people, they are indigenous to the area and adhere to ancient Hindu beliefs. According to legend, the ancestors of the tribe were members of the Majapahit Kingdom who went into exile. Strangely, despite being aware of the potential dangers of Mount Bromo, the local people seem unafraid. The same goes for the visitors who come to the Park in great numbers, particularly around the time of the annual ceremony of Kasada. The ceremony held on every year in December or January at the full moon. Through this ceremony, the Tenggerese invoke the blessings of the deities to ensure an abundant harvest, to be spared from calamity and to be cured of various diseases. To earn such blessings, they climb down the sides of the crater to catch the offerings thrown into the crater by other members of the community above. The scramble for possession of the 'sacrifices' is at once a gripping, but terrifying sight: it is not uncommon for some of the participants to tumble down to the crater's floor.

Kasada Ceremony Mount Bromo.

On the fourteenth day of the Month Kasada, the inhabitants of Tengger Mountain range gather at the rim of Mount Bromo's active crater to present annual offerings of rice, fruit, vegetables, flowers, live stock and other local produce to the God of the Mountain. As adherents of religion combining elements of Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism the Tenggerese ask for blessing from the supreme God Hyang Widi Wasa.
The Kasada ceremony opens with the inauguration of the honored members of Tenggerese society. Followed by a classical ballet performance which recounts the legend of Roro Anteng and Joko Seger at the open theatre in the village of Ngadisari. At midnight is the inauguration of new priest at the 'Poten' on the sand sea of Mt. Bromo.
Kasada Ceremony always held about September 23-24 and the annual ritual held by the Tenggerese community at Ngadisari Village, Probolinggo.

Mount Kawi Fortune Hunting.

As a pilgrimage tourism village, Wonosari - Gunung Kawi (Mt Kawi) has many beautiful, special and impressive mountainous panorama, which noted as one of the most fascinating villages in the South-Western part of Malang Regency. Most people know that this village has a special site where the tomb of grandfather Iman Soedjono, one of the seventy nobleman who took arms againts the Dutch occupation led by Prince Diponegoro in 1825 - 1830. Next to the grave of grandfather Iman Soedjono lied the tomb of grandfather Djoego or Kiai Zakaria II, a local figure who first pioneered a new technology in farming at that time. Usually the visitors that come to visit this place believe that the pilgrimage will bring fortune to their works, the future life, such as: trading, making a health farming, etc. The suggested time to visit the sacred sepulchers is customarily on Thursday evening or "Jum'at Legi" (Javanese Calendar). The tombs themselves have long been equipped with adequate facilities for both pilgrimages and vacationers. The accessibility is reachable, public transportation or not, 30 km a way to the Southwest from Malang.

Ngliyep Beach.

Ngliyep beach has beautiful rocky beach at the southern part of Malang Regency, where gigantic waves meet coral reef. In addition, it has an island with a lush green tropical shore-forest giving more enchantment to the beach. This beach is provided with some facilities such as: stalls, souvenir shop, inns, etc.
Annually the traditional ceremony Labuhan Mulud (offering ceremony) is held here. Labuhan Mulud is the traditional ceremony that always held in the beach at Malang regency.
Ngliyep beach lies at Kedungsalam village, Donomulyo district, about 62 km a way to the south from Malang. Visit Ngliyep beach and enjoy its wonderful waves. The visitors can swimming, sun banthing, or fishing

Mount Semeru.

A mountainous pleasure on the slope of the highest mount in Java, Mount Semeru. The beautiful and attractive panorama or special atmosphere can be found here beside its cool and fresh air. In this area we find a good place for Para-gliding and the Dutch Colonial Remnant.
This object lies on Argo Yuwono village, Ampelgading district, about 7 km to the North from Ampelgading. The mount climbers are often visit this mount to enjoy its nature scenery and beautiful sunset, look from the peak of the mount.
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is one of conservation areas which has been already well known by many people, because it has great values of potential aspects both is viewed from cultural history, biodiversity and estetica.
Realizing that situation, the government had established Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area as a nasional park which was established on November 12, 1992 with covering an area of 50.267,3 ha. which administratively is located in 4 regencies of Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang and Lumajang, East Java Province.

Sendang Biru Beach.

Sendang Biru is one of beach resorts in the southern part of Malang Regency, which free from tumulous waves of Indian Ocean due to the existence of wild life Sempu Island, about 300 meters offshore.
Sendang Biru Beach located about 70 km away to the south from Malang at Tambakrejo village, Sumbermanjing Wetan district.

Singosari Temple.

Singosari temple, also known as Kendedes temple, was founded in honor to King Kertanegara, the last king of Singosari dynasty who died in 1292 AD. It was erected in 1300 AD at the same time when the ritual Sradha took place. In the vicinity of the temple there are two gigantic statue called Dwarapala, believed to be the entrance guards to the palace.
This temple has saved the historical story that always remember by Malang public. However, Singosari temple is a symbol of the existence of Malang regency from years ago.
As the other East Java's temple, Singosari temple is formed from red bricks and arranged in cone building, called temple. This temple also has beautiful relief that describe the great of Singosari Kingdom years ago.

Sumberawan Temple.

Sumberawan Temple that located in the foothills of Mount Arjuna to the north east of Malang, is one of a Buddhist statue in East Java. Dating from about the end of 14th century or beginning of 15th century, this site has been identified with Kasurangganan, or 'the garden of the heavenly nymphs', which is mentioned in the Nagarakertagama as having been visited by King Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit in 1359.
Sumberawan temple is located about 1 kilometer of Singhasari temple gateway, which in Hindu style. To reach Sumberawan temple, the visitors should walk on a path between rice field and river through 500 meters of roadway of Sumberawan village. It surrounded by nature panorama and has natural water source. It said that the water of Sumberawan pool has great energy for health. Some visitors always take a bath in this pool. They don’t want to pass it.
The temple is in Buddhist style and formed a statue without any accessories. Temple’s body is rectangular and contain of two parts. The temple is one of beautiful temple in East Java, because of its location. Every ‘Waisak’ (Buddha Holiday), Sumberawan Temple is visited by many Buddhist to celebrate the life of the Buddha. They usually come in the evening and having meditation.

Wonosari - Lawang Tea Plantation.

This plantation pleasure gives a special and peaceful impression, beautiful panorama of tea plantation. The plantation is situated at an area on the slope of mount Arjuno, it belongs to Wonosari - Toyomarto village, Singosari district. In this tourist object, visitors can watch and enjoy the special impression, processing of tea from the leaves taken to the tea ready to drink. The location is reachable, about 30 km away to the North from Malang. Facilities: swimming pool, cottages, jogging tracks area, camping grounds, and many more.

Senaputra Park.

Senaputra Park located on Jl. Belakang RSUD Syaiful Anwar is the recreational area of the city and completed with playground for children, traditional art performance like "Jaran Kepang and Mask Dance" that held continously. "Jaran Kepang and Mask Dance" is held frequently.
There are many visitors have visit this recreation park with their family in holidays. They usually have family recreation with bring their lunch here.

Ceramic and Rattan Craft.

Another option when visit Malang its also can visit the Ceramic and Rattan Craft. The typical ceramic Malang can visit at around Jl. MT Haryono and Jl. Mayjen Panjaitan and for Rattan Craft at Arjosari its about 5 km from Malang City.
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